Shhhhhhhh, IT List Revealed

written by
hosted by
Luke Miller
published on
September 10, 2018

We started the application process for Event Marketer’s IT List several months ago. The 2018 edition of the annual list of the nation’s top agencies was recently released and, to the surprise of no one, it is filled with 100 massive, conglomerate agencies – many of which have been there for 10+ years.

You see the problem with the IT List, if you’ll allow me to channel my inner Bernie, is that it is for the 1%. It is the elite of the elite. The application is filled with questions that require answers like “The 4.9 million dollar project we did with Pepsi Co. this year is just one of…”

And that’s great for the agencies that get 4.9 million dollar projects from Pepsi Co., but what about the little guys out there. The agencies that are getting 35 thousand dollar projects from local utilities districts or regional brands that don’t move the needle on a national level. Is the work that we’re doing not as good? Pfffff!! I’d argue that in many respects it’s better. Sure big budgets are great for blowing out a national, newsworthy brand activation filled with Hollywood A-listers, but smaller agencies are out here grinding, trying to make a name for ourselves with brands that don’t even have a name for themselves. We are putting hundreds of hours into projects that we can only bill a fraction of that – all in the name of creative passion, client value, and of course, a shot at growth.

Well, Pepsi Co., when you sign on with that big agency don’t forget that your bill is paying for their new goat yoga conference room or their soy, vegan, organic snack array in their, one of six, kitchens with handmade, local craft kombuchas on tap.

Don’t get me wrong…we’d love to be there someday. So rather than continue digging in on Event Marketer or the IT List, let me offer a solution. It’s the same strategy I require of my team – bring me a solution, never a problem. Let’s create an IT List NEXT. How about we offer something that showcases the smaller agencies who are working their tails off, who deserve some attention. Let’s light the path to the IT List for the Moment’s of the world. Let’s carry the lantern together, instead of further pushing us into the dark. Conglomeration is giving way to collaboration. No longer will these massive agencies control this field. The future is small, the future is together, the future is honest, and the future will reward the hard working, low overhead, agencies that sit on The IT List NEXT.

Now if only that list existed… (hint, hint)

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