Some Experiential Marketing Stats That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up

written by
hosted by
Brittany Thomas
published on
June 15, 2017

Experiential marketing is a great way for brands to engage consumers through fun and memorable experiences. We can tell you that when a campaign is well executed and aligned with the target audience, consumers walk away feeling more connected to the brand. While those feelings are nice, they are hard to quantify.

As a marketer in today’s data-driven world, you should be looking for data and facts on the effectiveness of experiential marketing above and beyond just the smiles you see on consumer faces. Look no further! The roundup of statistics below further demonstrates the importance of experiential marketing as a successful method to connect with consumers.

  • 74% of consumers have a better opinion about a brand after an in-person event.

The importance of connecting with consumers on a relationship level is more important than ever in today’s digital world. Not only does a consumer have seemingly limitless options at their fingertips, they are receiving various brand advertisements through almost every online platform. While digital marketing is a highly effective strategy, human interaction is something that simply cannot be beat.

  • 65% of brands expressed their belief that in-person events are directly correlated to sales.
  • 98% of users shared they feel more inclined to purchase after attending an activation.
  • 80% of attendants said live demonstrations and free samples significantly help define their purchasing decision
  • 70% of users become regular customers after an experiential marketing event.

Tracking ROI for experiential marketing can sometimes be challenging, but consumers are sharing their feedback and the results are positive for brands. The statistics above demonstrate that experiential marketing can have an impact on more than just relationships – it can also help drive sales and impact your bottom line.

  • 71% of consumers share information about their (activation) experience with their peers and family members.
  • 98% of consumers create digital or social content at events or experiences, and of these consumers, 100% share the content.

This tells us that experiential events not only build relationships with consumers, but essentially create ambassadors for brands. When consumers share the brand with their network they’re helping build credibility and increase brand awareness.

Data tells a compelling story. These statistics demonstrate the impact an activation can have on consumers, and also the reciprocal benefits they can provide for brands. With an effective activation, the positive experience should foster your relationships, leave a lasting impression on the consumer, and create a shareworthy memory.


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